Books about Spirituality,

Reincarnation, Mind & Soul,

Spiritual Teachings, Love, and Truth


Meditations for Realizing Your True Self

You have the power within you to liberate your soul from the mind’s dominance and achieve reunion with God.  The forty-nine intuited meditations of The Contentment Dividend take you on a journey of discovery toward realizing your true spiritual self, understanding the immortal truths of existence, and focusing your mind and life to achieve contentment.


If you have ever wanted to comprehend the yearnings and role of your lower mind, higher mind, and soul, if you have ever desired to realize your fullest potential of goodness and love, and if you seek truths that will illuminate your life, The Contentment Dividend offers answers and riches.

 When you review the contents, some of the names of the meditations may sound obscure, cryptic, even fanciful. Let them pique your curiosity. The meditations are sourced in the author’s many decades-long study and practice of the teachings of realized Masters and true Saints. These are the fully God-realized humans who come to awaken us to our unlimited spiritual potential. 

By engaging with the meditations, you will access the wisdom of your higher mind, heighten your receptivity to grace, and undergo a revolution in how you navigate life’s challenges. 

Listen, dear friend,

You are doing your best to live

this life you have been given.

Beyond your fondest imaginings,

the most wondrous life awaits you.

Let us explore the way to it together.



Author’s Note

  1.     The Inescapable Unknown

  2.     Unsparing Kindness

  3.     The Elusive Self

  4.     Blinding Promises

  5.     The Camouflage of Propinquity 

  6.     The Vicissitudes of Life

  7.     The Chimera of Arrival

  8.     The Flowering of the Unforgotten

  9.     The Beginning of Within

10.     The Agency of Authentic Articulation

11.     The Capaciousness of Life 

12.     The Misperception of Wakefulness

13.    Developing Discerning Detachment

14.    The Heroism of Subjugation

15.    Consciousness Continues

16.    Pellucid Perception 

17.    Forgetfulness 

18.    Unhappiness 

19.    Heaven Can’t Help Us

20.    Death by Fallow Imagination

21.    The Teachable Dweller 

22.    Awaken Your Discernment

23.    The Prerogatives of Rufflement

24.    Rich Self-Journeying Fulfillments

25.    Can You Finesse Your Destiny?

26.    The Mind Adores

27.    The Soul Adores

28.    The Illusion of Success 

29.    Disenchantment Comes Easily

30.    The Decrement of Time

31.    The Rewards of Disenchantment

32.    The Concatenation of Meritorious Immersions 

33.    The Inevitability of Desserts

34.    The Repetition of a Signifier for Our Constant Conductor

35.    Grist to One’s Will 

36.    Unifying Selflessness 

37.    Oneing Experiences Those Lustrous Moments

38.    Mythical Misperceptions

39.    A Saint Comes Calling 

40.    Guess Questions 

41.    The Dangerous Balm of Forgetfulness

42.    Awe

43.    The Herald of Remembrance

44.    The Grace of Anointment

45.    Your Ether Wings  

46.    Sparks of Being Complete

47.    Things Fall Away

48.    Good-bye to All That 

49.    The Contentment Dividend

         About the Author




Author’s Note

  1.     The Inescapable Unknown

  2.     Unsparing Kindness

  3.     The Elusive Self

  4.     Blinding Promises

  5.     The Camouflage of Propinquity 

  6.     The Vicissitudes of Life

  7.     The Chimera of Arrival

  8.     The Flowering of the Unforgotten

  9.     The Beginning of Within

10.     The Agency of Authentic Articulation

11.     The Capaciousness of Life 

12.     The Misperception of Wakefulness

13.    Developing Discerning Detachment

14.    The Heroism of Subjugation

15.    Consciousness Continues

16.    Pellucid Perception 

17.    Forgetfulness 

18.    Unhappiness 

19.    Heaven Can’t Help Us

20.    Death by Fallow Imagination

21.    The Teachable Dweller 

22.    Awaken Your Discernment

23.    The Prerogatives of Rufflement

24.    Rich Self-Journeying Fulfillments

25.    Can You Finesse Your Destiny?

26.    The Mind Adores

27.    The Soul Adores

28.    The Illusion of Success 

29.    Disenchantment Comes Easily

30.    The Decrement of Time

31.    The Rewards of Disenchantment

32.    The Concatenation of Meritorious Immersions 

33.    The Inevitability of Desserts

34.    The Repetition of a Signifier for Our Constant Conductor

35.    Grist to One’s Will 

36.    Unifying Selflessness 

37.    Oneing Experiences Those Lustrous Moments

38.    Mythical Misperceptions

39.    A Saint Comes Calling 

40.    Guess Questions 

41.    The Dangerous Balm of Forgetfulness

42.    Awe

43.    The Herald of Remembrance

44.    The Grace of Anointment

45.    Your Ether Wings  

46.    Sparks of Being Complete

47.    Things Fall Away

48.    Good-bye to All That 

49.    The Contentment Dividend

         About the Author


Meditations for Realizing Your True Self

You have the power within you to liberate your soul from the mind’s dominance and achieve reunion with God. The forty-nine intuited meditations for The Contentment Dividend take you on a journey of discovery toward realizing your true spiritual self, understanding the immortal truths of existence, and focusing your mind and life to achieve contentment.


If you have ever wanted to comprehend the yearnings and role of your lower mind, higher mind, and soul, if you have ever desired to realize your fullest potential of goodness and love, and if you seek truths that will illuminate your life, The Contentment Dividend offers answers and riches.

When you review the contents, some of the names of the meditations may sound obscure, cryptic, even fanciful. Let them pique your curiosity. The meditations are sourced in the author’s many decades-long study and practice of the teachings of realized Masters and true Saints. These are the fully God-realized humans who come to awaken us to our unlimited spiritual potential. 

By engaging with the meditations, you will access the wisdom of your higher mind, heighten your receptivity to grace, and undergo a revolution in how you navigate life’s challenges. 

Listen, dear friend,

You are doing your best to live

this life you have been given.

Beyond your fondest imaginings,

the most wondrous life awaits you.

Let us explore the way to it together.